This page provides links to Erasure Picnic posts, sorted by type, theme, and series. Some posts show up in multiple categories. Click a link to jump to the section!
Types: 🤿 Deep dives | 🤣 Memes | 🎨 Moodboards | 📷 Pics | 💬 Quotes, clippings, and interviews | 📂 Resources | 📹 Videos and reels
Themes: 📣 Activism | 💕 Affection | 🤝 Collaborators | 📆 Days of the year | 💄 Drag | ✍🏽 Fan features | ⇆ Influences and Contemporaries | 🌈 LGBTQ+ | 🎶 Music | 💻 Technology
Series: 🧬 The Multisexuality of Erasure | 😠🥱 Erasure vs. Pet Shop Boys | 🌱 The Origins of Erasure
🤿 Deep dives
Research-heavy posts that dive into interesting bits of the Erasure story. This could include Erasure’s work (their art and activism) or creative pieces that featured their work.
The story of "Looking Glass Sea": the song Erasure wrote for Dick Tracy (1990)
Thirty Years of Cheer: A Look Back at Camp Christmas
Creating the album art for Chorus
The surprising story behind "A Little Respect" (and a bonus video clip)
The story behind the words “Oh L’Amour” (and a bonus video clip)
“Too Darn Hot” (Erasure’s contribution to the Red, Hot + Blue charity album for AIDS activism)
The story of Andy Bell’s black rubber leotard
EQUALITY NOW (1992 LGBT+ activism movement that Andy Bell participated in)
The drag promotional tour for Chorus
🤣 Memes
Vince Clarke before and after Andy Bell
Love is stored in the Erasure (fanart by Sidurii)
Vince thinking about… (collab with depeche_meme)
🎨 Moodboards
A moodboard is a “collection of objects, images, etc. that is assembled often on a flat surface and used as inspiration for something” (source). Using screenshots from Erasure music videos, I’ve attempted to capture the unique mood and aesthetic of these videos. I also like to do a mini deep dive into the history of the videos.
Valentine’s Day - “A Little Respect”
“Heavenly Action” (Part 1, Part 2)
📷 Pics
Posts with images chosen to fit a certain theme.
Sealed with a kiss: Erasure kissing pic
Top Six Pix from the collection of therandomgirlxd
Rare pic from Gay Times magazine
Rare pic from Musician magazine
A series of shots from early 1987
A series of shots from the Wonderland photoshoot (mini deep dive)
More soft black and white pics
Rare pic from Campaign magazine
Even MORE soft black and white pics
💬 Quotes, clippings, and interviews
Five Quotes from an Erasure interview in Melody Maker, March 28, 1987
1994 interview in promotion of I Say, I Say, I say
⏩ Link to the interview
TopPop interview snippet (ft. Alison Moyet)!
A cute little clip from the Wild! Tour
Rare pic from a clipping in Edinburgh Evening News
Clip from Erasure's appearance on The Roxy
Describing the “midi saxophone”
Clip from a Swedish interview (1998)
Clip from a 1992 interview - Erasure describe each other
Clip from a VERY early Erasure interview
Clipping for Random Acts of Kindness Day
Clip from a 1995 interview - why “Sometimes” was so successful
Clip from the Wild! Tour backstage
Clip from a 1994 interview - “to have his trust”
Underwear-themed clippings (sorry, nothing naughty here)
📂 Resources
📹 Videos and reels
Promo ad for The Innocents (1988)
TopPop interview snippet (ft. Alison Moyet)!
A cute little clip from the Wild! Tour
A cute clip from the Phantasmagorical Tour
Clip from Erasure's appearance on The Roxy
Describing the “midi saxophone”
Clip from a Swedish interview (1998)
Clip from a 1992 interview - Erasure describe each other
Clip from a VERY early Erasure interview
“You’re always the best” (from a 2020s livestream)
Clip from a 1986 concert in Stockholm
Clip from a 1995 interview - why “Sometimes” was so successful
Clip from the Wild! Tour backstage
Vince smiling during the 1986 tour
Clip from a 1994 interview - “to have his trust”
Another cute clip from the Phantasmagorical Tour - “friends for the journey”
📣 Activism
Giving Tuesday: A spotlight on 3 charities for which Andy Bell is a supporter
“Too Darn Hot” (Erasure’s contribution to the Red, Hot + Blue charity album for AIDS activism)
💕 Affection
Look, I’m a simple person. I see Erasure being cuddly and affectionate, and I love it and want to share it with everyone.
Sealed with a kiss: Erasure kissing pics
A cute clip from the Phantasmagorical Tour
Clip from a 1986 concert in Stockholm
Clip from the Wild! Tour backstage
Clip from a 1994 interview - “to have his trust”
🤝 Collaborators
Erasure collaborated with many other creators in their career. These posts examine their stories.
Spotlight on Les Child - Erasure’s virtuoso choreographer
📆 Days of the year
Posts meant to commemorate certain days of the year.
International Left-Handers Day 2024 (Vince Clarke is left-handed!)
Happy Birthday Vince Clarke 2024
39 Years since the first Erasure audition
Thirty Years of Cheer: A Look Back at Camp Christmas
Happy Birthday Vince Clarke 2023
Clipping for Random Acts of Kindness Day
Valentine’s Day - “A Little Respect”
💄 Drag
Erasure have donned drag loads of times over the years! Here’s a list of posts that feature them crossdressing.
The Multisexuality of Erasure: Part 2
Work it, Vince (“Fingers and Thumbs, TOTP 1995)
The drag promotional tour for Chorus
✍🏽 Fan features
Spotlights on other Erasure fans who are doing really cool stuff!
Why you should listen to the Permanent Record Podcast
⏩ Access the webpage of the podcast
⏩ See all Erasure episodes of the podcast
Fanart Feature: "Ersur" by Sidurii
Erasure Música y Amigos
⏩ Visit the Erasure Música y Amigos YouTube channel
⇆ Influences and Contemporaries
Artists who have influenced Erasure, who have been influenced by Erasure, or who have been contemporaries of Erasure (artists who were around at the same time and were linked to them).
Paul Simon (a major influence and inspiration to Vince Clarke)
Alison Moyet (a major influence on Andy Bell and a pivotal figure in the Erasure tale)
Sean Hayes (actor best known for Will and Grace, who was influenced by Andy Bell)
OMD and Erasure, Part 1 (an enormous influence on Vince Clarke and an important influence on Andy Bell)
LGBTQ+ themes have been woven into the rich tapestry of Erasure’s career. These are all the posts that have to do with LGBTQ+ themes. This category includes Erasure’s LGBTQ+ art, activism, collaborators, and influences (both people who influenced them and people who they influenced).
The Multisexuality of Erasure: Part 1
The Multisexuality of Erasure: Part 2
The surprising story behind "A Little Respect" (and a bonus video clip)
The story behind the words “Oh L’Amour” (and a bonus video clip)
Sean Hayes (actor best known for Will and Grace, who was influenced by Andy Bell)
“Too Darn Hot” (Erasure’s contribution to the Red, Hot + Blue charity album for AIDS activism)
EQUALITY NOW (1992 LGBT+ activism movement that Andy Bell participated in)
🎶 Music
Posts that focus on Erasure’s music, whether as a group or solo.
Vince Clarke's first solo album: Songs of Silence (2023)
The surprising story behind "A Little Respect" (and a bonus video clip)
The story behind the words “Oh L’Amour” (and a bonus video clip)
💻 Technology
As a largely electronic band, Erasure and technology go hand in hand. These posts all have to do with Erasure and technology, including the equipment they used, the band’s use of technology, and the way their work has been used in digital media.
Robot Unicorn Attack: How Erasure's "Always" elevated a 2010s Flash game into another stratosphere
Interactive Press Kit for Erasure (1995)
⏩ Interview
⏩ Press Release
⏩ Video Transcript
“Cowboy” theme for Windows 95 Plus (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
I’ve written a couple of multi-post series.
🧬 The Multisexuality of Erasure
Part 2: Gender on Stage | text version
Part 3: Coming soon!
😠🥱 Erasure vs. Pet Shop Boys: the fascinating frenemies of synth
Part 2a: Erasure's side of the "rivalry" (and a video)
Part 2c: Pet Shop Boys' role in the "rivalry"
Part 3: The fans' role in the "rivalry"
Part 4: So was there a rivalry?